Wednesday 21 March 2012

Analysis of Digipak Brit Awards 2012

The Digipak that i will be analysing is the Brit awards 2012 album. This is an album that has all of the artists songs that won awards at the events songs on it. This is a three disc album that has two normal disc's and then  a bonus disc with extra songs on it. This Digipak comes with a booklet that has a list of the songs on each disk like the back of the digipak, however this includes who helped to create the song, when it was produced and what company produced it. The booklet also explains who the money raised through ticket sales and merchandise goes to, in this case it is the brit trust. The booklet explains who they are and what the money does. This has an image of Rizzle Kicks with the cheque for the brit trust after 2012's brit awards. By having this information in the booklet it means that people really understand where there money goes after they have brought the album. You can see images of this booklet below.

This digipak has the bac and the front page and then opens out once and then again from both sides this means that when it is fully opena it is made up of four squares. The first square has the booklet stored inside and then images of the awards on it. The next three squares have CDs in them in a wallet style on the slit they go into there is again a list of the songs and who sings then. This is at the bottom of each one in relation to the disc. These three disks are in each color of the union jack. This is a theme throughout the CD case as it is the BRIT awards album, therefore it is all about britian this could have also been emphasised thiis year due to the fact that we have the olypics coming to London this year. Therefore they have used the fact that it is called the BRIT awards to there advantage hoping that this will sell it more when we have tourists coming to London for the olypics. They have used the award that is presented in the actual award evening as a theme on this Digipak, If someone did not now about the award evening then they would not understand what this item is. However this is not something that would put anyone off buying the digipak as it is just an image used not anything of sinificance. This image is used on each of the CDs, on the cover, side and on one of the four squares when it is fully folded out. This image is illistratively done which adds to the affcedct of the digipak as it does look very computerly done due to the stly of the colors used. Therefore it would not have looked right if the images wher photographically done. This is the main image used in the Digipak and is repeated many times like i have said earlier. The over main theme ttnhroughout the Digipak is the colors of the union jack flag as shown to the side. This is a theme due to the fact that the olypics are coming to us this year so they are trying to use this as a selling point of the digipak. As tourists will want is as it is a realy british thing.

The text on the front of the digipack is very bold this is because they are trying to sell the CD by saying the artists that are featuring on the CD therefore is they had this in lower case in the right corner then you are likely not to read it. However they have it in Capitals quite large on the left side of the album case as that is where you look first due to the fact that everyone reads from the left to the right, so you will see it first as you scan the digipak. On the back of the digipak there is a chuck of text that looks like a credit block on a film poster, this tells you all of there copyright information. On the back there is also the universal music logo that shows you that they are the people that sponsor the CD. As this digipak is of an award evening there is not realy a message that they are trying to put across like an artist would have. I think that the target audience of the digipak is quite a range of ages as it has a wide range of featuring artists written on the front, For example a teenager may enjoy Adele but also people in there late twenties way as well. However they also have JLS under the featuring title and someone in there twenties most likely will not enjoy them. Therefore i think that this is for a wide range or ages. I also think that the target audeince for this digipak is the tourists coming over for the olypics due to the style of the digipak. The digipak gives you promises as it tells you the songs that are going to be on the discs therefore if they are not then you will end up being disapointed as you may have brought it just for that song. This digipak is sold for around £10.99 which is a reasonable prise for the amount of songs that are on it including the variety of different artists that appear on it. This digipak would have cost around £6 pounds to create so the production company are getting a reasonable profit out of it which is actually in this case going to the brit trust charity. This digipak is sold in a variety of different places from supermarkets to entertainment shops such as HMV. This digipak is also sold online at such places as amazon. This is done so that it has a variety of different audience that can get to it and buy it.

Therefore my finale thought on the digipak is that it does and gives the audience edsacually what it promises and that there is no other message that you can get from the digipak due to the fact that it dose not give aany messages in the first place. I also think that it pulls in the audience affectively and makes people want to buy the product. One of the ways that it does this is because it has the bright colors and that it is not like the other digipaks that you see around. Therefore it will jump out at you when you are looking at it in the stores.

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